PoetryFest - I
After writing the poem, I have been reading a lot of my favorite poetry. These timeless masterpieces are vivid in my head, right from school - when I first read them. When I read them now, I savour each verse, each line, and get transported back in time. One of my all time favorites is the poem on apples by an unknown poet. Here it is, as found on the Web.You speak very fine, and you look very grave,
But apples we want, and apples we’ll have;
If you will go with us, you shall have a share,
If not, you shall have neither apple nor pear.”
They spoke, and Tom ponder’d—“I see they will go;
Poor man! what a pity to injure him so!
Poor man! I would save him his fruit if I could,
But staying behind will do him no good.
“If the matter depended alone upon me,
His apples might hang till they dropp’d from the tree;
But, since they will take them, I think I’ll go too,
He will lose none by me, though I get a few.”
His scruples thus silenced, Tom felt more at ease,
And went with his comrades the apples to seize;
He blamed and protested, but join’d in the plan:
He shared in the plunder, but pitied the man.